Social Development

Portfolio Councillor Gerald Okanee

Cell 639-480-4984

Barbara Paddy-Moyah

Social Development


Ext: 300

Carma Jimmy

Social Development Assistant


Ext: 300

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 600
Turtleford, SK, Canada

Phone: 1 (306) 845-4300
Fax: 1 (306) 845-3230
Toll-free: 1 (866) 395-8888

Thunderchild Social Development

Every individual has the right to apply for Income Assistance and failure to provide complete and accurate information could disqualify an individual for Income Assistance.

Specific Eligibility Factors

Every employable applicant should be considered a candidate for the Active Support for Education and Training Strategy (ASETS) programming.

Every employable applicant must make every possible effort to: secure Employment, participate in training programs and/or upgrading programs or return to high school.

A high school student 18 years of age, but under the age of 19, and living with parents or a primary caregiver who is eligible for Income with parents or a primary caregiver who are also eligible for Income Assistance does not qualify for Income Assistance in his/her own right. This individual is to be considered as a dependent in his/her family unit, and the Basic Allowance is then issued to the parents/caregiver. A monthly attendance is required to continue benefits.

A high school student 18 years of age, but under the age of 19 and living with parents or a primary caregiver who is ineligible for Income Assistance does not qualify for Income Assistance in his/her own right and is to be considered as adependent in his/her family unit.

There are frequent changes made to the Social Programs Policy Manual, one of the changes is the age requirements for Income Assistance, and the Immediate Family Compositions.

Special Needs Transportation

A client is expected to meet his/her normal travel costs out of the Adult Allowance. The actual cost or mileage rate, whichever is most economical, maybe granted if no other means of assistance is available under the following circumstances:

  1. for hospital visits and/or other requests for what ever reason.

Family unit means a client and his/her dependents as identified on the client's 'Application for Social Assistance and Client History' form.

Many clients struggle with understanding that the Workers have policies and have the mentality that our workers are "mean" or "picking on certain people". We have asked Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) to have an information meeting with our Social Development clients to share information on the policies that are in place which the Workers must adhere to. This meeting will take place on January 5, 2012. Along with AANDC the Portfolio Councilor,Social Development staff and supervisor will be present. A mass notice has been sent out to clients and this is an opportunity for clients to address any concerns that they may have